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If you are unable to find the answer to your question in the FAQ below, please write to us on or use the contact form.
You need to travel to Pucallpa, Lima
See map
Most people fly to Lima first.
From Lima there are several daily flights by Latam, Sky Airlines and Star Peru). Flight time to Pucallpa is one hour and prices vary from $50 - $150.
Its also possible to travel from Lima to Pucallpa by bus, which is around 20 hours.
The center is located app. 45 min outside of Pucallpa. We will ask a car to pick up you up either from the airport, bus terminal or from your hotel or similar in Yarina/Pucallpa. -
That is up to you and your local doctor.
We can mention that there is no malaria in the Pucallpa region, but there is dengue mostly a risk during the rainy season Dec-May -
● Peruvian soles to pay for your transportation to the center
● Peruvian soles or US dollars to pay for your stay at the center.
● Refillable water bottle.
● Comfortable clothes for warm and humid weather (average 30 c°/ 88 f°) and at least one pair of long pants and a sweater in case temperature drops a bit during the night.
A rain poncho can be good to bring if you come between Dec-May.
● Hat/cap to cover yourself from the very strong sun.
● Flashlight (preferably one that has red light which is the best to use in the dark if needed in the ceremonies).
● Power bank or solar panel if you wish to have some extra battery capacity.
● Books if you wish. You will have a lot of time alone.
● Insect repellent can be good to have.
● Diary for journaling, and materials for making art if you wish.
● Candles (to have in your room at night unless you wish to use your flashlight or just be in the dark).
Booking & Intake process
We are usually open all year around, and most of the time there is also availability, so usually people can come whatever dates they prefer.
However, check-in days at the center are Monday (or Sunday) so we prefer that people arrive at the center then.
Be aware that for new people there is an intake process that includes a personal video-call which means you should make your booking well ahead of time. -
You can make a booking here
Yes, we do require a minimum stay of one week.
One week includes at least three ceremonies.
The center and its facilities
Our accommodation capacity is:
- 4 individual buildings (tambos) with a bedroom in each of them
- 1 building with two bedrooms
- 1 building with five bedrooms
In total 11 bedrooms. -
All our accommodations are private, meaning every person will have their private bedroom.
There are 6 buildings used for accommodation at the center:
- 4 individual buildings (tambos) with a bedroom in each of them
- 1 building with two bedrooms
- 1 building with five bedroomsEach room has a bed with mosquito net around it.
Showers and toilets are in common areas. -
There is no electricity, nor wifi at the center.
Cell phone signal is limited but the Peruvian operator Bitel usually has signal at the upper parts of the center if the weather is good. -
Yes, we have water, showers and normal toilets in addition to also some dry-toilets.